Posts tagged persecuted christians
Pope Francis "troubled" by findings of ACN's Religious Freedom Report

Pope Francis expresses great concern at growing attacks on religious freedom, after receiving ACN report . The Holy Father thanked ACN for its report which points to a decrease in religious freedom, and said he is praying for all those who are persecuted for their faith.

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BURKINA FASO: 150 killed in deadliest attack in nation's history

Over 150 people have been killed in one of the deadliest attacks in the history of Burkina Faso. The Bishop of Kaya called for a day of mourning and three days of prayer for the victims. There have been multiple Islamist attacks in Burkina Faso this August. This was one of the bloodiest in the history of the country, which has been suffering from Islamist terrorism since 2015.

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Jaranwala: One year after August attacks, Christians are still not safe

One year on from violence described as the worst ever outbreak of anti-Christian persecution in Pakistan, Church leaders say people are both terrified of more attacks and furious that culprits have not been brought to justice. The Christians of Jaranwala are grateful to ACN benefactors for making it possible for them to receive this very necessary aid from the charity.

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6th August 2014: The hundred thousand faces of suffering Iraqi Christians

Ten years after Iraqi Christians fled Islamic State forces assaulting their homes, 70,000 Christians have now returned to their ancestral homes in the Nineveh Plains, thanks to the support of Aid To The Church In Need. Take a peek into our archives from 2014 to see the suffering of our Iraqi brothers and sisters, and understand how monumental and joyful this return is.

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