Young Syrians and Lebanese recreate the spirit of WYD Lisbon in their own countries ProjectAid to the Church in Need28 August 2023WYD, World Youth Day, Syrian Christians, Lebanese Christians, ACN, aid to the church in need, Catholic Charity, Catholic, Christian Persecution
ACN gives a voice to the persecuted Church at WYD NewsAid to the Church in Need8 August 2023WYD, World Youth Day, Lisbon, Christian Persecution, Catholic, Catholic Charity, ACN, Aid to the Church in Need
ACN raising awareness of Christian persecution at WYD NewsAid to the Church in Need25 July 2023World Youth Day, WYD, ACN, Aid to the Church in Need, Catholic Charity, Catholic, Christian Persecution
Sharing World Youth Day's joy with young Lebanese and Syrian Christians Project, NewsAid to the Church in Need18 July 2023World Youth Day, WYD, Syrian Christians, Lebanese Christians, ACN, Aid to the Church in Need, Catholic Charity, Catholic, Christian Persecution