Aid to the Church in Need Ireland | ACN Ireland

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One Million Children Praying the Rosary for unity and peace

On the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) invited families, schools and parishes across the country to pray the rosary together with the Children of Ireland, on the 18th of October, the Feast day of Saint Luke the Evangelist, for unity and peace in the world.

The daily project work carried out by ACN in 149 countries allows us to see first-hand just how greatly Christians and the entire world are suffering from the effects of terrorism, persecution, war, illness and so much more. Only God can bring peace. We can play a part in this – through our work, but first and foremost through our prayers.

As Pope St John Paul II wrote in his Apostolic Exhortation on the Rosary,

“The Rosary is by its nature a prayer for peace, since it consists in the contemplation of Christ, the Prince of Peace, the one who is “our peace”.

The Rosary is also a prayer for peace because of the fruits of charity which it produces. By its nature as an insistent choral petition in harmony with Christ’s invitation to “pray ceaselessly”, the Rosary allows us to hope that, even today, the difficult “battle” for peace can be won.”

Children are far more open to the rosary than a lot of adults. When the Rosary is prayed correctly and under proper guidance, it offers us a glimpse of the Virgin Mary, and a relationship with her that grows more intimate the longer you pray the Rosary. This intimate view of Our Lady is something that we can learn from children.

Having faith in the power of children’s prayers: that is exactly what this campaign supported by Aid to the Church in Need was all about.

We at ACN Ireland were simply overjoyed by the response to the Children’s Rosary Campaign – the response was immense and thoroughly heart-warming! It gives us so much hope, knowing that so many children from all over the island of Ireland wanted to pray the rosary, in union with the children of the world.

We are delighted to announce the final number of Irish Children who participated in this year’s children’s Rosary Campaign was…

6,792 Children

Among the worldwide community a grand total of 509,731 children participated and prayed the rosary for peace and unity in the world – this figure includes the 6,792 Irish Children.

Our Blessed Mother must be beaming with joy and smiling down from heaven this week, seeing all these little children praying to her.

Our prayer at ACN is that the Children of Ireland will continue to pray the rosary and will grow to love it. We pray also that, our children will always turn to their heavenly Mother in their time of need, knowing that she will protect them from all evil, with her mantle of grace.

A BIG thank you to all the families, schools and parishes who participated!!!

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us!

“Thank you so much for the rosary beads, it is a privilege to be part of this initiative!”

- Michelle, School Principal in Dundalk, Co Louth

“We had a beautiful rosary with the children on Sunday and some of my nieces and nephews came. They used the beads and books. The books were beautiful and the reflections and pictures easy to read and understand. Thank you ACN so much for all!”

– Donna, Mother in Camlough, Co. Armagh

“My principal was very impressed with the beautiful gifts we received and would like a set of beads and a booklet for every child in the school.”

– Helena, School Teacher, Bunclody, Co. Wexford

“The Transition Year students were delighted to receive the rosary beads and the rosary prayer leaflets. They were very responsive to hear all about ACN Ireland’s Rosary Prayer campaign from Aoife from ACN (via zoom).

They were eager to use their Rosary beads to say a decade of the rosary and I could feel a calmness and peace in the classroom among the students. I am going to start my next Religion class saying a decade of the rosary with the students.”

– Karen, School Teacher in Dundalk, Co. Louth

“Thank you, it’s just an amazing initiative of ACN!!!”

– Anne, Retired Teacher in Castleknock, Co. Dublin

“Thank you so much for the rosaries, I can’t wait to give them to the kids!!! I think it’s so important to teach children to pray the rosary, for protection and to meditate on the life of Jesus. Hopefully it will be a great comfort to them as they grow up and leave school. Children have a natural capacity to pray as they have an openness and simplicity that is often lacking in adults. As scripture says, ’Let the children come to me and do not stop them, because the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these.’ - Luke 18:16.

– Anne, School Teacher in Dublin City Centre

“Good to have a reminder to pray the rosary - especially with our children.”

– Stephanie, Mother in Lifford, Co. Donegal

“I was amazed to hear from a parent that, their child went home on Monday asking his parents to pray the rosary with him!!!”

- Martin, Parishioner in Castleknock, Co. Dublin

“Thank you so much for this. I  thought this would be so lovely especially since the beads are so special and made in an extremely special and holy place. It's super. I didn't tell children yet. Our local priests come to visit very regularly and I will invite both to lead us in our prayer and explain about the beads also.  I am so appreciative of these gifts and I know the children will be extremely delighted. They find religion a great time to reflect and think about others and kindness and God. They light a virtual candle on our grow in love sacred space and pray for their special intentions.  Thank you again!”

- Vicki, Teacher in Drogheda, Co. Louth