Eyewitness priest describes Nigeria attack

Father Andrew Adeniyi Abayomi spoke with Patience Ibile from ACN about the attack at St. Francis Xavier church in Owo on Pentecost Sunday.

By ACN Staff

The church after a terrorist attack in Nigeria. (Credit: Aid to the Church in Need)

Father Andrew Adeniyi Abayomi is the associate pastor at St Francis Xavier church in Owo, Ondo State, Nigeria. This is the same church that was attacked on Pentecost Sunday, 5 June, resulting in the deaths of 41 Catholics. Dozens more have been injured. Father Andrew said his congregation believes that around four to six attackers targeted the church.

Father Andrew Adeniyi Abayomi. (Credit: Aid to the Church in Need)

Father Andrew explains where he was when he realised that the church was under attack:

“I was still in the sanctuary. I had finished the Mass and was putting incense in the thurible, to prepare for the procession outside the church. That was when I heard a noise. I thought it was a door slamming, or that someone had fallen, or seen a snake, because that has happened before.

But then I heard a second loud noise, and I saw parishioners running in different directions in the church. I stood there in shock, wondering what was going on, when someone ran to me, yelling: ‘Father, unknown gunmen!’”

Father Andrew told us that some of the parishioners managed to close the church doors and lock them. Father Andrew called on the congregation to take shelter in the sacristy from the bullets being fired into the church. Father Andrew stayed in the sanctuary while his congregants began to move towards the sacristy. There were so many children around the priest that he could not move properly. Despite this, he tried to protect his parishioners from the bullets with his body “just as a hen shields her chicks”. During the chaos, Father Andrew heard some of his flock begging him to pray. He told them to remain calm and assured them that he was praying.

During the attack, Father Andrew heard three or four explosions coming rapidly, one after the other.  The attack lasted for around 20-25 minutes. Father Andrew directed his congregants to help bring the wounded to the hospital when the attack was over. Father Andrew told us that he does not know who the attackers are. He said that it is believed that some of the attackers hid amongst the congregation before the attack started.

Local bishops visiting those injured in the attack. (Credit: Aid to the Church in Need)

According to Father Andrew, the biggest needs now are financial and material support to help the victims of the attack and their families, and also more security. The attack on the church lasted for over 20 minutes, and no police or soldiers responded in time. Given their experience, the congregation are understandably frightened. Father Andrew and the other priests of the parish are staying in contact with their parishioners and are making sure to strengthen their faith.

Father Andrew explained that the faith of the people is strong following the attack:

“From my encounter with parishioners, I have not seen a loss of faith, but a strengthening. They are ready and willing to remain steadfast. I keep praying for them, every day, and Mass is being offered for the intentions of those still in the hospital, to aid their quick recovery. Mass is also being said for the souls of those who died, may they rest in peace. Finally, Masses are being offered for the intentions of all members of the parish, so that they may remain steadfast in faith and alive in hope.”

Please join Father Andrew in prayer for those who died during the attack, for those who were injured and that his parishioners may remain steadfast in the Faith.