Nigerian priest murdered and another kidnapped

A criminal gang in Nigeria have murdered one priest and have abducted a 75-year-old retired priest. ACN spoke with the local bishop, who is heading the efforts to have the kidnapped priest released.

By ACN Staff

Fr. Alphonsus and Fr. Joseph. (Credit: Aid to the Church in Need)

Fr. Alphonsus and Fr. Joseph. (Credit: Aid to the Church in Need)

On Friday 21 May, 75-year-old retired parish priest, Fr. Joseph Keke, was abducted in the early hour from St. Vincent Ferrer Catholic Church in Malumfashi, Katsina State, Nigeria. The kidnappers murdered the current parish priest of St. Vincent Ferrer, Father Alphonsus Bello. Fr. Alphonsus’ body was found on farmland behind the local catechists’ training school. Bishop Matthew Hassan Kukah of Sokoto has spoken to Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) about the attempts to secure the release of the abducted priest. The bishop has taken personal charge of the negotiations.

Bishop Matthew Hassan Kukah. (Credit: Aid to the Church in Need)

Bishop Matthew Hassan Kukah. (Credit: Aid to the Church in Need)

The bishop admits he finds talking with the kidnappers difficult:

“We have established contact with the kidnappers and we are talking. It is one of the most painful experiences, talking and pleading with hardened criminals and murderers who, in a more civilised environment should be locked away for life, but before whose mercy you stand.”

The kidnappers are asking for money for the release of Fr. Joseph. They initially asked for £172,000 but have lowered their demand to £86,000. The kidnappers are part of the numerous criminal gangs in the area. They use local sources to identify “soft” targets for kidnapping that may bring a large ransom, like retired priests.

The bishop is pained by the kidnappers’ behaviour:

“It is a painful experience, often traumatic because of the inhuman ways they speak and the threats they make. Our only weapon is prayer.

Bishop Kukah while negotiating for the release of Fr. Joseph is also grieving for Fr. Alphonsus:

 Father Bello’s death is part of the senseless and endless losses that have engulfed our nation. We are all literally under the sword in Nigeria, a country that is being consumed by a barbaric horde of humanity. It is a sad loss but we as Christians and we as priests always look ahead towards the promise that lies ahead.  Our consolation is that, we ordained three deacons only a few months back and we have five lined up for later in the year. We miss him, but the Lord’s work continues.

The bishop is also critical of the Nigerian Government in their response to Islamism in the country:

“They have no wish to create an egalitarian, integrated and united country. Their focus is the ascendancy of Islam even in a form that over 80 percent of ordinary Muslims do not support. We are in the throttle of the Salafist variant or strain of Islam.”

Please join us in prayer with Bishop Kukah that Fr. Joseph will be soon safely released. Let us also pray for the repose of the soul of Fr. Alphonsus, and that his murderers will realise the error of their ways.

(Update: Fr Joseph Keke was released on the 3 June.)