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ACN supporting African religious sisters in Cuba

The Church in Africa has reached a stage where they not only provide missionaries for Africa, but are also sending missionaries to other continents to spread the Catholic Faith. The Missionary Congregation of the Evangelizing Sisters of Mary have sent African religious sisters to Cuba to revitalize the Faith in the communist country. ACN is providing financial aid to these religious sisters.

By ACN Staff

Religious sisters in Cuba. (Credit: Aid to the Church in Need)

In 1969, Pope Saint Paul VI visited Uganda, becoming the first Pope to ever visit Africa. The visit was very significant for African Catholics. Recognising the deep faith of Africa’s Catholics, the Pope stated that the African Church should now start providing its own missionaries and should also start carrying out missionary work outside of Africa. It is just over 50 years since the Pope made this call. Over the decades many have come forward to answer this call. Amongst them are the sisters of the Missionary Congregation of the Evangelizing Sisters of Mary. The congregation was founded in 1975 in Uganda.

Religious sister in Cuba. (Credit: Aid to the Church in Need)

Since 2015, the congregation’s sisters have been carrying out missionary work on the Caribbean island of Cuba. Two sisters from Africa - one from Uganda and one from Kenya - are currently working in the south of island, in the city of Palma Soriano in the Archdiocese of Santiago de Cuba. The two sisters minister to 15 isolated rural communities. The ministry includes catechetical instruction to both young and old, helping the needy and providing care for the elderly and frail.

The local archbishop holds the work of the African sisters in very high regard. The situation for the Church in Cuba is very difficult. Cuba has been under the control of an atheistic communist government for decades. The economic situation is very difficult and civil and religious liberties are often ignored by the Cuban government. The support given to the local communities by the sisters, and more importantly their proclamation of the Faith, are invaluable.

Despite the measures taken by the government, around 70% of Cuba’s population are Catholics. However, very few Catholics take part in Church life, with weekly Mass attendance being as low as 1%. The living witness to the Faith as shown by the African sisters is of vital importance in getting baptised Cuban Catholics to live out their faith. Over the coming year, Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) is providing €2,000 to help the African sisters in their mission to evangelise Cuba. ACN supports evangelism all over the world. If you would like to help us in our mission to spread the Faith, please consider making a donation.