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Indonesian Catholics attacked on Palm Sunday

As Catholics in Indonesia were marking the beginning of Holy Week, they were attacked by two Islamist suicide bombers. None of the congregation were killed but around 20 were injured. This is part a disturbing trend in recent years of Christians being attacked while worshipping during Holy Week.

By ACN Staff

Explosion at the cathedral captured by security cameras. (Credit: Aid to the Church in Need)

It is a tragic indication of the extent of Christian persecution around world that a terrorist attack targeting Catholics took place on the first day of Holy Week. Yet again the faithful have been targeted while worshipping during Holy Week. Two suicide bombers carried out an attack of Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Cathedral in Makassar, the capital of Indonesia’s South Sulawesi Province.

The attack happened on the 28th of March, Palm Sunday. Two suicide bombers attacked the cathedral shortly after Holy Mass was over. Both attackers were killed in the attack and around twenty congregation members were injured by the explosion. Security guards were providing protection to the cathedral. This is common practice in many parts of the world. The security guards prevented the bombers from entering the cathedral. Many people would have certainly lost their lives if the bombers had of been able to detonate inside the cathedral building.

Holy Mass in Indonesia. (Credit: Aid to the Church in Need/Magdalena Wolnik)

The Indonesian national police chief said that the two bombers were connected with the Jamaah Ansharut Daulah (JAD) group. This Islamist terrorist group is affiliated with ISIS and has previously carried out terrorist attacks in the Philippines. They have also carried out attacks in Indonesia in the past, including other attacks on churches. Indonesia is the country with the largest number of Muslims in the world. There is also a sizable Christian minority, at around one tenth of the population. The Indonesian President condemned the attack on the cathedral, stating:

“Terrorism is a crime against humanity.”

The Archdiocese of Makassar issued a statement after the attack delivered by the archdiocese’s judicial vicar, Fr. Fransiskus Nipa. The statement said the following:

“We are all concerned about the suicide bombing incident that occurred this morning at 10.26am a.m. local time. The location was at the side gate located close to the security post of the Makassar Cathedral Church. A number of churchgoers were injured and are currently being treated at a hospital. The bishop and priests serving the cathedral parish are all fine. All priests and faithful are called to stay calm and to stay alert. Let security officers handle this case in accordance with existing regulations. Let us bring the incident to our prayers.

The Indonesian Bishops’ Conference’s Commission for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs also issued a statement condemning the attack and called for restraint. The commission also expressed confidence in the government and security forces in dealing with the security situation. The statement finished by asking for God’s blessing.

This attack is extremely concerning. Attacks against Christians during Holy Week has been increasing in recent years. The attacks in Sri Lanka on Easter 2019 were particularly horrific, killing over 250 people in bombings in churches and hotels around the island nation. Please join ACN in prayer that Indonesia’s Christians may be kept safe from other attacks and that all those who persecute the Body of Christ may realise the error of their ways.