ACN Supporting Catechists in the Central African Republic
The Central African Republic has experienced much turbulence and unrest in recent years. Like in many parts of Africa, catechists are essential in carrying out the Church’s mission. ACN is determined to provide the help needed to the Church to carryout Her mission in this part of Africa.
By ACN Staff
Bishop Miroslaw Gucwa with the people of his diocese. (Credit: Aid to the Church in Need)
The Central African Republic remains in a permanent state of unrest. Ever since independence in 1960, the country has witnessed a succession of military coups, political unrest and violent conflicts. In particular, the most recent coup in 2013, which led to a civil war, has had grave and lasting consequences for the country, right up to the present day. Since then, the warring parties have split up into an unknown number of armed rebel factions which constantly threaten the security of the greater part of the republic.
Bishop Miroslaw Gucwa with the people of his diocese. (Credit: Aid to the Church in Need)
Among the areas still affected by the ongoing violence are some parts of the Diocese of Bouar, in the west of the country. Many villages have been abandoned and the people have fled. In other places parents are still afraid to send their children to school. Violent attacks continue to occur. Only in May this year (2021) an Italian missionary had an almost miraculous escape when he drove over a land mine with his car. The car was totally destroyed, and a passenger in the car, a young lay pastoral worker, was killed.
However, around 5 miles (7 km) from the town of Bouar, in the Parish of Our Lady of Good Counsel, the situation has improved somewhat. Father Marek Dziedziec, a Polish missionary, is now looking to the future. He wants to train up some new lay catechists for his parish. And at the same time he wants to help those catechists who were unable to attend a proper catechists’ school during the time of the armed conflict, owing to the precarious security situation – and who were therefore only able to undergo a rudimentary training for their work – so that they can catch up and complete their training properly. His parish has 15 outstations, and the catechists, as everywhere in Africa, play a crucial role in teaching and accompanying the Catholic faithful in the villages – where the priest himself cannot be regularly present.
Father Marek is also asking our help for the medical needs of his catechists and their families. Here in the Central African Republic, one of the poorest and most underdeveloped countries in the world, it is for the most part only the Church which cares for the sick. Malaria is a constant and ever-present threat, and many people still die without treatment. And there are many other widespread infectious diseases as well. Father Marek is very concerned for the health of his catechists and their families and tries to help them as well as he can. He writes, “Our help has often saved lives and enabled them to live and do their work in peace and in good health.” But the medication that is required costs money, and so he is also asking our help for this purpose.
We are very keen to help for the training of his 25 catechists, and for their medical needs and those of their families as well.