Aid to the Church in Need Ireland | ACN Ireland

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Thank You!

Roughly one in nine priests around the world received Mass offerings through ACN in 2020. These offerings are vital for many priests around the world. Below is just one of many many letters ACN receives off priest from different parts of the world thanking our benefactors for their generosity.

Holy Mass being offered in Syria for the intentions of one of ACN’s benefactors. (Credit: Aid to the Church in Need)

My dear friends,

I wish you peace, joy and the love which flows from the heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ. I am Fr. Melvin of Bijnor Diocese in India. I was ordained a priest in 2015. At present I am serving as the associate parish priest at the diocese’s cathedral and also render my help in running a printing press owned by the Diocese.

Holy Mass being offered in Ukraine for the intentions of one of ACN’s benefactors. (Credit: Aid to the Church in Need)

I feel extremely privileged to work in this part of India, where most of the people are poor and downtrodden. The diocese have undertaken many initiatives, to spread the love of Jesus through education, social work and other charitable activities.

I really feel proved of working with this poor people of Christ. We must always find time to stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives. For God protects and comforts us thorough His Divine providence by the generous hearts of people like you. I hope you are safe in the hands of God during this time of Pandemic. I always offer you and your family into the hands of Our Lord during the Eucharistic Celebration I am so thankful for the amazing people like you whom God had placed in my life. May God reward you for all that you do in His Name and keep you and your family safe, healthy and happy today and always.

As I offer my life to Christ with passion and enthusiasm, may God continue to fill my life with His blessings, I too ask God to bring His choicest blessings on you, who makes my life more meaningful. Because it is by your generous financial donation we are able to meet the necessities easily.

May God bless you with joy, prosperity and good health!

Fr. Melvin